In this edition, the top news starts with:

Thwarting the dark web at every turn, the EU has adopted the new GDPR rules which Facebook appears to be embracing; which is probably a good PR move on their part.  What is more interesting is that this new EU law seems to be affecting data privacy worldwide, especially regarding large companies that do business in the EU. It is functionally easier to ensure uniform execution, lowering implementation and time to market costs, by uniformly following the rules; effectively making them international law.  (more…)

In this edition, the top news starts with:

To maintain Intel’s growth mindset, they are taking on the space leader in the AI space, Nvidia, to ensure Intel’s access to a growth market over the next ten years.  Intel is the dominant leader in CPU and server hardware; but, Nvidia has focused on AI computing and gained a lot of ground and is perceived as the space leader in that segment.  Intel must fight, or they could get sidelined in the next 10 years. (more…)